SisterSMATR & the future!
What a great day! A repeat of 2017 and we will keep coming until there’s a change in the destructive policies of President Trump, his administration and any who support them. Resist, Persist, Insist!Women’s March 2018
What a great day! A repeat of 2017 and we will keep coming until there’s a change in the destructive policies of President Trump, his administration and any who support them. Resist, Persist, Insist!Women’s March 2018
Today was awesome! Our 1st Fab Lab After School Pilot Program @ the LIC YMCA was so inspiring. A group of Smart, Beautiful and Fun young ladies of color came together, after meeting yesterday, at Mama Gianna’s Manducatis Rustica a restaurant @ 46-33 Vernon Blvd, LIC (yummy food & friendly people), we had a ‘fab’ … Read more
Check us out @ Silicon Harlem 10/21 If you eat chips for breakfast (computer chips that is) come join us Oct. 21st @ the Silicon Harlem Conference @ Mist, 116th st., Harlem, NY 9:30 to 6:00. Network, check us out on the “Limitless Learning” panel, 11:15 – 12noon and the closing multimedia performance @5:30 – … Read more
By LESLIE PICKER The chief executive at a plastics company was playing golf. A lot of golf. The activist hedge fund the Barington Capital Group, through a website that tracked golfers’ handicaps, found that the chief executive was routinely playing 18 holes or more on weekdays, even as the company’s stock price was lagging. It … Read more
OMG! What a beginning! And the Sistersmatr ‘Stepping Stones’ created at our first visioning event are evidence of the kind of women who participated. There we were, literally rock stars and rocket scientists, investment bankers and innovators; women ‘All In’ for creating, growing and supporting our organization’s movement. Makani Themba, our facilitator, asked each woman … Read more
Thanks to Cynthia Sley, JoAnn K. Chase, Asa Lovechild, China Blue, Our ‘sisters’ in the Silicon Harlem house, connecting, representing, being ambassadors and bridging the gap for girls and young women of color. Our first public event and we missed having, Ágnes Mócsy, Makani Themba and Diane McGrath with us but, Thank you, sisters, you are Sisters who … Read more
Brain chips let a paralyzed man feel touch through a robotic arm
STEM: A report about encouraging young girls starting at 5 years old
In case you’re a sister who matrs and you’re feeling bruised by the election results, you can find hundreds of antidotes here! Sisters who MATR Antidotes! Don’t Forget to Follow Us! Instagram Facebook Twitter