SisterSMATR 'FAB LAB' Closing Celebration @ Manducatis Rustica 6.14.17

SisterSMATR ‘FAB LAB’ Closing Celebration @ Manducatis Rustica 6.14.17 The time zipped by and 8 weeks and a few days later, we celebrated Tenzing, Kalsang, Christina, Valeria, Atika, Trinity, Noa, Sarahi, as they presented their Super Hero, Super Power films and animation projects.  Shape shifting, mind reading, flying humans, time travel.  A film showing African … Read more

Fab Lab

Fab Lab Recap Eight weeks of the 1st’s ‘Fab Lab’ was a success and marked the first step to reaching a goal; bridging the gender gap in science and technology. This video celebrates the students, Tenzing, Kalsang, Christina, Valeria, Atika, Trinity, Noa and Sarahi, the teachers, advisors, supporters and friends of Sharing knowledge, … Read more

Stepping Stones

OMG!  What a beginning! And the Sistersmatr ‘Stepping Stones’ created at our first visioning event are evidence of the kind of women who participated.  There we were, literally rock stars and rocket scientists, investment bankers and innovators; women ‘All In’ for creating, growing and supporting our organization’s movement. Makani Themba, our facilitator, asked each woman … Read more